Monday, September 30, 2013


September 16, 2013

Buenos Dias,

Sounds like this week at home was a good one. The topics in church and the life of teenagers sound like an adventure. 

So guess what?! We had a lesson with E yesterday and we started out by asking him to tell us his story of sharing a scripture with his mom and everything and he quoted DYC 85:10 to us before we even started teaching he is so prepared I just hope we can continue to have a good relationship with his mom and the family that is fellowshipping him is AMAZING...obviously because he had already read D&C so we talked about prophets and Joseph Smith yesterday and the guide they can be to us and taught the restoration. Anyway the point of this wonderful story and miracle is that we have a baptism date for the 28th of September!!! We marked the story of Nephi and the boat for him to read this week because he feels solo in this decision...well when he is with his family. 

A less-active and her husband attended yesterday! Yay he says he likes it and his going to dance on the 20th because as you should now the 18th is day of independence in yes the streets are covered with flags and everyone decorates their cars dancing's quite the party...oh and food. So the branch is having an all day party on the 20th we as missionaries can visit for 2 hours. So we will see what it will bring. Anyway back to our investigator, we passed by their house yesterday and talked with him and invited him to be baptized and he said he didn't feel ready we expressed that we were there to be guides...but still he is hesitant...but the change from the first time we met him to now is AMAZING. I know the Lord  works miracles when all of us work together.

The other Hermanas found a less active that lives in our area now and has a 9 year son who she wants to be baptized.  We taught him on Thursday. He is timid, but hopefully he will warm up to us. It was sad because we were talking to the mom and she has been living with the dad of her son for 11 years but is scared of marriage because the marriage of her parents didn't work out Thankfully we had a member with us who's parents had divorced a year ago and was hard on her but she still has faith in eternal marriage we left  her with the family a proclamation to the world.  Mom I thought of you and wanted to know your thoughts of marriage or how the divorce of your parents shaped our ideas on marriage or how you learned to have faith in a successful marriage.  The more I read the proclamation I know that if we center our marriage and lives on Jesus Christ we will have success and we won't need to be sacred of the future. 

We have another investigator named C she lives with her mom and dad and sister but basically lives solo because they are never there.  She was going to come to church yesterday. We don't know what happened but she didn't show up and her phone was off all day yesterday, so we are going to pass by today and see how she is. 

Unfortunately we haven't been able to find K in her house this week, we will keep you updated on her. 

I gave a talk in sacrament meeting yesterday based on the talk we are one by President Eyring...he gave a story of his time he served in New Mexico and was called to be a missionary for the district but didn't think he was going to be there long...but by a miracle he was called to stay there and with the help of members had lessons with families in the nights and weekends. He said that after 5 years of serving they were a stake and now there is a temple there. I related this to the branch we are in now and that we can grow because we all one in purpose (Moses 3:9)..And I also shared 1Nephi 3:7 because I know the Lord prepares a way and we are all just instruments in his hands and if we all do our part as members and missioners the work of the lord will progress. I know this is the Lord's work and we all have a work to do a marvelous work. 

I have a lot I learned this week and in my studies today I read in 1 Nephi 13:37 I love it because if we all do our part in spreading the gospel or edifying Zion in our families, neighbors, wards whatever it be we will be blessed with the sprit to do the work and this is enduring to the end. Love you all!!!!!

Hermana Morgan Anderson

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