Monday, September 30, 2013

Chile Linda

NOTE - I am trying to get this blog updated.  It may take awhile and the posts will be a little out of order.  I will put a date on each one and hope it makes sense.

September 23, 2013

Buenas Dias Familia

Well Family as you know this week was 18 de Septiembre in Chile which means that everyone was eating meat and more meat and lots of people were out of town.  So as far as contacting went it was a slow week, but we did have the most lessons with members we have ever that was def a blessing. Hermana Gonzalez had too much meat on Thursday and so as we were laying in bed about an hour after we had turned out the lights she woke me up and said her stomach hurt and she had desires to throw up so I was like go to the bathroom so she went. I kept thinking that she would just throw up a little and be fine...but as I heard more and more I made the conclusion that I should probably get up and help her....she of course was fine after the throwing up..but yea it was a fun night...we concluded that it was because of all the meat.  

We had the celebration of 18 with the branch on Friday, where we had lunch and watched some dancing.  One of our investigators was going to dance but that day his sister called him and they had a family get together so we missed that. But it was fun to spend some time with the branch. I made the no bake cookies the night before and took them to the party and they were a huge hit they always are everyone says I have to teach them how to make them. 

E is doing great, I gave him one the CTR rings that mom sent me and some little post-its to mark his scriptures..he was super excited and loved the CTR or I should say HLJ ring. We are planning the baptism for Sunday, we are still working on the trust of his mom, and we have transfers this week..which we find out tomorrow...ah nervous! But yea whatever happens E is super prepared and even if he can´t be baptized this Sunday I know he has a testimony and will be able to be baptized some day! 

We taught an investigator the importance of prayer and our relation with God and his wife who is less active helped him give the closing was so great! 

Oh so I forgot to tell you guys that like 3 weeks ago or so the water from the tap went bad and we couldn´t drink from it because it had crossed lines with the sewer water...tons of people were sick from the water..but it seems to be okay now but that was an exciting time. 

Mom thanks for your thoughts on marriage, yes we had given her the proclamation and she and her partner had read it together..we weren´t able to see them this week, but I hope we can help them with their faith in Christ. I am learning so much in how to teach less with no we can´t do that or do this or but more with things we can´s definitely a hard thing to learn. 

That´s too bad that BYU lost...sounds like a fun long nighter...ah and I can´t believe Faith is 18 what is happening to the but wow her birthday celebration sounds great...tell her happy birthday for me via fb or something. 

Dad the meeting with the area sounds amazing! I loved the scriptures and the discussion ideas. I am definitely going to have to study those scriptures,but it is so true that this work grows more when we work with the members and we all work together. 

Yesterday in church we had three great talks one on missionary work and the others on the law of chastity and Elder Watmala...I don't know how to write his name but he is a counselor to Pres Kahnlien. 

Well that's my week for you all. Thanks for your prayers and support. I know this Church is true and that we have a Savior who is the way and light for all of us! K love you lots!!!

Thanks for everything. Les amo mucho!!

Hermana Morgan Anderson

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