Monday, March 18, 2013

The latest from Hermana Anderson

Okay, well first of all I figured Mom´s letter was a lack of her technology skills haha j-k, but thanks for sending it to me..I knew you wouldn´t forget me and I figured dad would have said something about you if you weren´t doing well. Also I am glad I guess to hear that Gabby had a hard time understanding the Chileans... it is comforting to know that everyone struggles with something or other on the mission or even in life...and when we realize that it´s easier to be willing to help others and truly be an instrument in the lords hands. 
This week was hard in finding investigators, but we did receive some references so hopefully they work out...we also met a friend of our mamaita who´s mom and some family are Mormon and she got all excited when she told us she likes Mormons..So we have plans to go visit her this week and hopefully have her become an investigator. We stopped by Jacqueline this week and she was really sad because her ex (son's dad) was dying so she let us in to give a we ended up teaching a lesson and then gave a prayer...but she also wanted us to give her a blessing but we explained how we couldn´t do that but said if she came to church she could receive more peace and a blessing from members and invited her to church...we went over the next day and her ex had died and when we went to pick her up for church on Sunday she didn´t answer...but Sunday night our bishop and new ward mission leader went to visit her and they said it went I hope she continues to be receptive to the Spirit and receive the gospel..It could really help her. On Sunday we had an investigator come for his 3rd hopefully he feels he is ready for baptism and a less active we have been working with also came...It truly is so good to see people at church and to see the peace they receive. 
Also at district meeting I shared the spiritual thought...I get nervous when I speak Spanish in front of people who know how to speak it but it went well and I tried to present our investigators...also the practice this week was on inviting investigators to church by showing them the blessings...we received revelation on things and questions we could ask other investigators..Sometimes practices seem useless but they really are great and I have gained a testimony of the fact that we can gain revelation just in practices. 
Our ward is really great with mission work and our new mission leader was called yesterday (Jair) yea don´t worry I can´t pronounce his name either...That´s why I just say Hermano for now...He has been home a little less than a year...but he is truly all about the work and said we can call him any time before 7 and he will come on our appointments with we just have to get appointments and hope they don't fall through. Saturday was a hard day because I think there was a futbol (soccer) game and no one was in the street or answering their doors...that was a true test of our diligence. But it´s fun I am learning to truly think of others and be happy with the work and not focus on oh if this were to happen I would be happier. But yea like Dad said, working with members really is key...we have been studying that chapter in Preach My Gospel and our ward is really great. But I have definitely seen how when we work with the members and show our hard work they give us references...and usually these are the people who are searching for the truth. Also one of our investigators who is 25 and has a 2 yr old and has met with the missionaries for forever...basically gave herself a frank lesson and told us that she felt like this was her time and if she didn´t get baptized now she would be to scared and never do it...but she has an aunt who is a member and she has been chatting with her and she has been really helping her. 
So fun things that happened this week one of our investigators wives who has the mental capacity of a like 13 yr old answered the door and we asked how she was and she was like I am cold...well that was because she wasn´t wearing pants...ha-ha oh man I love meeting and working with people it´s so interesting. Eduardo (her husband) wasn´t there but we saw him walking home when we left so we were talking to him about coming to church and he said he just didn´t have time and he had to work...ah and I wish I would have thought of the scripture in 3 Nephi like the quote mom sent that says when we put God first other things fall into place..That´s really what helped me come on my mission and keep going...It truly is when we seek God first when things work for the better.   Also a newish investigator prayed for his wife to have patience over the pulpit in church was funny. Oh and a crazy hippie lady (who I wish I understood) but Hermana Hermansen told me what she said after said she used to have to wrap herself up in a diaper when she had her cough because she would just start coughing and not be able to control uh yea maybe it´s good I can´t understand so well because I also need to learn not to laugh when such things happen. But me and Hermana Hermansen have a good laugh when we get back to the pension at night. 
Austin sounds spoiled on his b-day...which mom I hope you have a happy birthday!  Speaking of birthdays I can´t wait to buy myself something Chilean.
Haha no the dogs don´t bite...Usually...they just get annoying sometimes and sometimes we gain another companion with us for a while because they follow us. But yea we actually saw a dog get hit by a car this week...right in front of us...but it survived and ran off and we saw it it just got a little shook up...but yea that´s another thing they drive so fast all the time here..It´s crazy sometimes when our mamaita gives us rides to the stake center I get scared...but I am alive don´t worry. Oh also the Bishop's 1 yr old had a cleft lip and small cleft pallet when he was born. He had a the surgery on this lip which looks great now but he is getting ready for his surgery on the I thought of baby Emma.
Sounds like everyone is doing great and enjoying the spring weather. Me and Hermana Hermansen forgot it was St. Patrick's Day until later in the yea we didn't wear green...I don´t even think I have anything green...haha but that´s missionary life I guess, we just forget little holidays...sad I guess. Oh Saturday I had my first ansado...which is a barbeque basically it´s like Rodizio but the same meat and they just keep giving it to you...SOOO MUCH MEAT...sometimes its definitely overload
I think that´s about it...oh an old guy in our ward who always brings the flowers for Sunday brought me and Hermana Hermansen flowers...he is so sweet, she said he had never brought them flowers before and she has been here for 6 months...he is really sweet. I feel bad for him because he had some sort of accident and can´t walk well and his wife died..But his testimony is so strong and he says if people just understood the gospel they would accept it. Speaking of understanding I started reading Our Search for Happiness this week, I love it and I am trying to read it from the view of an investigator and it´s really interesting I love our unique and real our message is and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints is the restored church. 
Oh and mom when I read what you sent from the missionaries blog. That is our mission goal or rule idk what you call it but we are always supposed to walk with a book of Mormon in our´s fun and unique so whenever we walk out the door we have a book of Mormon in our hands and if we run out we carry pamphlets in our hands. Okay well I think that´s all for this week. Love you all, thanks for your prayers and examples...enjoy March madness, spring break and mom enjoy your birthday! les quiero mucho!!!!
con amor, 
Hermana Anderson 
p.s Kari also sounds spoiled going to San Fran for the visa..lucky missionary..can´t wait to get her letters, in dear elder form. Okay well hopefully I didn´t forget anything and I answered all your questions, have a great week! Oh and Hermana Hermansen is great at motivating and be honest in her compliments when she says my Spanish is getting better and how I am a good missionary..I am trying but one thing I have learned is that we aren´t perfect and there really is no such thing as a perfect missionary...So I just do my best and follow the rules and work and have faith that blessings will follow and we will find people to teach. 

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